Saturday 31 March 2012



        The Cross-Cultural Nature of God's Word and Work,
      This text reminds us that different cultures were represented at Calvary and in the church.
          (1  Simon; Wise men of all ages would be honoured to be allowed to perform the task that
            conferred upon Simon of Cyrene, a black man from northwestern Africa. Whether it was voluntary
            or by force, in any case, black hands were extended to help the Saviour bear His cross.
             (2  The Ethiopian eunuch from Africa (Acts 8;26 ) was the first Gentile convert  mentioned 
                by name in the Book of Acts. History reports that he returned to Ethiopia to found the 
                 Abyssinian Christian Church, which exists until this day.  
                Matthew 27 :32 
                     THE KING ON A CROSS 
                Now as they came out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name.Him they compelled
                to bear His cross. 



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