Monday 26 March 2012

Prayer - A Disciples Guide

There is so much that can be gleaned from this passage but the phrase that stood out for me was this... It is written my house is a house of prayer.

Here Jesus must be talking about God's house, the tabernacle. And it becomes even more poignant when I think back to the ascension passage where I was focussed on the fact that God's dwelling place, the tabernacle, changes with the death of Christ, and he now dwells in us, in our hearts, within our soul. God with us!

So how amazing is it that here Jesus calls us, the tabernacle, a dwelling place for prayer. The Greek word for prayer suggests not just a quick chat to God about our day but something much more. A closeness and intimacy with God, a vow or surrender of something important for our heart's desire and through an understanding of their culture an offering of thanks before prayer has been voiced - faith and worship mingled together.

Hers is another guide to discipleship. God says, if you want to be my dwelling place, a living tabernacle, then you need to -

1. Have an intimacy with me
2. Surrender the most important things in your life in order to gain your heart's desire (which should be Jesus heart's desire)
3. Use thanksgiving to worship me as a living memorial to your faith in me

Now that is humbling, beautiful prayer.

God let me pray to you like that every day.


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