
Here is what you can put in your journal in the coming weeks.

  • Something I can see in the passage about God.
  • Something about being a disciple. 
  • Something I have a question about. 
  • My response to the passage in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I must examine my own motives and conduct before judging other people. Mmmmmm, not so easy when I may have been upset or hurt by someone.

    I can identify with what I read in my notes this morning that, the traits that bother me in others are often are often the habits I dislike of myself.

    Ask, seek, knock and keep asking seeking and knocking on our heavenly fathers door and He will provide us with what we need to walk the the narrow path and HEY it leads to life eternal!

    Lord Jesus help me to run all my thoughts past you before I act upon them.

    Ian R
