Monday 9 April 2012


Why do you think Jesus appeared to the women? It wasn't because they hadn't been told the good news, the angel had just done this, and in a no less wonderful way. It wasn't because they weren't going to tell the others because the passage says that that was exactly where they were going.

I wonder if it was because as they left the tomb they were both fearful and joyful. For all that Jesus told them was to rejoice. It is as if He wanted to dispel their fear. To move their focus from death to life and to celebration.

How often does life get us down. It takes over, we lose focus on Jesus and the joy He has brought us. We focus on the negative.

Here Jesus says to us all, rejoice. An amazing thing has just happened, the salvation of the world has been granted. Man's separation from God has been removed. This is something we should live every day, not just at Easter time.

It was lovely to see everyone getting baptised on Sunday, reminding us of the joy of following Jesus.

God help me to rejoice, to focus on your forgiveness, to see you, to fall at your feet and worship, and to obey your commands just like those women, who were the first to see you that special day.


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