Saturday 17 March 2012

Freedom in Christ at a Cost

Wow, this is just what Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 8. We need to be careful. Just because the new way brings freedom, doesn't mean that we can do anything we want. We need to be tolerant and thoughtful of others in everything we do, even the things that we do for God. Because we can't cause someone to stumble or fall in their own spiritual path.

Or as Jesus puts it, we should not be snaring them - doing something that they do not approve of and which stops them from acknowledging God and trusting and obeying Christ and ways.

And we can ensnare everyone! Both those that believe, as well as those that don't.

God show me what I do that belittles you in others eyes through my actions so that I might change this and bring glory to you, not take it away.

God With Us

At the same time the disciples were having very different experiences. How very different at the top of the mountain to the bottom.

All were chosen by Jesus and had decided to follow Him but one group were at the top with Jesus, listening to God speak, being given instruction from God and seeing Jesus in all his glory. The others were at the bottom of the mountain being ridiculed by the Pharisees and feeling helpless because they could not heal the boy.

We all want to be at the top of the mountain and Jesus tells us the only way to get there is by faith. So if you want to get to the top we need to step out in faith. It doesn't need to be lots of faith, just a little, to get us to make that first step. The holy spirit will supply us with the rest.

God help me to make that first step in faith because I want to hear your voice and bring what I can of the Kingdom to the people I meet.


Friday 16 March 2012

Fasting and Prayer

       Matthew Chapter 17 verses 20 to 21 
      So Jesus said to them " Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as mustard seed, you will   say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU.
      However, this kind does not go out except by  prayer and fasting"

I have just copied what Jesus our King has said to his disciples; TO me this is clear instruction how to move mountains 
Now we all know,that he did not mean we could change the scenery of the Borders." What would be the point in that "
What did he mean you ask Well let us fill our monthly  prayer meetings and then WE will see how serious Jesus is
      We may even see a   REVIVAL!     Kenny              

The littleness of my faith!

Oh Lord, it’s not fitting as Your disciple to have so little faith, smaller yet than a mustard seed…but I fear I’m given away by my prayers, by the way I live, my “making a plan” when instead I should be waiting on You…Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.


Thursday 15 March 2012

If You Want to Hear God You Have Got to Listen!

Ha ha! Poor Peter. He just wants to help but so often He speaks first and thinks later. I mean thinking back, if it hadn't been so awe inspiring, it would have been quite embarrassing being cut off by God mid sentence when you are trying to arrange sacred spaces (tabernacles) for everyone so that they can commune with Him. Talk about ironic!

Or should I say thought provoking because this passage is all about meeting with God.

And what did God say? Listen to Jesus, He is my son. He is God With You. You don't need special places to talk to me you can just go to Jesus - He is me.

And more than that when Jesus died for us He broke the barrier between God and us. No tent needed!

So you want to get closer to God? You want to hear Him? There is nothing stopping you, only yourself. You just have to listen. So maybe the old Sunday school song read your bible, pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow isn't so wrong after all. But you won't just be growing you'll be meeting with God. And as we see from this passage that is awe inspiring stuff - enough to change you into something out of this world and make the Kingdom of God shine out of you.


They did not recognise him...

Sometimes we get just a glimpse of Him…and it takes our breath away!  Jesus here, transfigured…reminds me of John’s vision of Jesus on Patmos, so shockingly awe-some that John fell to the ground as dead. 

Jesus glorious, transfigured for a minute, for 5 or 10?  And then Jesus Son of God taking on His body of humiliation looking like you and me…just a man…as Isaiah says, “without stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him!”   

Here is seeing Jesus:  so, so, so humble!  God’s heart so so so humble!  And they did not recognize Him.

Just as they did not recognize John the Baptist.

Therefore they shall not recognize, perceive, understand accurately His disciples.

Father, I hate the look of my pride…give me out of this humility…though the world about will not recognize me.



Wednesday 14 March 2012

Matthew: A Book for Believers: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Doesn't this passage just confirm what has been going before? Even those who are in possession of the truth of who Jesus is, and who have such strength of faith like Peter, can be lured to focus on human issues/constraints.

'For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' - even the greats. So be careful that pride in your own beliefs, even if you think they are based on sound reasoning, doesn't make you an adversary of God and Jesus.

Jesus' way, not ours, is the right path. And what does Jesus say to Peter? Get behind me! He re-asserts his authority and place: He is first. And shows us what our role is, to support him in His ways, and to be behind him all the way.

So if you want to follow Jesus you've got to get behind Him. You've got to support Him and let Him lead the way!

God help me to hear your voice.


The Essence of The Kingdom Life

What a moment for Peter,

Jesus ; Who do men say I, The Son of Man am?

Peter ; You are the Christ , The son of the Living God

Jesus; Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, " for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in
Heaven. And also I say to you that you are the rock I well build my church,and the gates of Hades shall not prevail
against it. Here is Peter having an encounter with the Father so Jesus makes it clear that Peter's confession about
His person was right. Then the next statement Jesus was saying, the disciples did not quite understand,that he had to
suffer and be crucified for the sins of the world. Two central truths here in 16 Matthew. One The lord Jesus Christ is
The Messiah .And two, the duties of the disciples of the Kingdom of God and these duties are not just for the disciples
but for you and I that we must be crucified to or selfs and reborn in Christ and be ready to suffer and willing to do so
for the Kingdom of God. Following and saying yes to Jesus is not all about putting our hands up in the air and singing
great worship song, there is responsibilities a way of life we have to live, a commission we have to fulfil, to be a
disciple of the Kingdom of God we have to be taught the truths of the Gospel and live it no matter what the world
thinks. Our reward is waiting in Heaven for us . And also we have a Holy Spirit willing and ready to help us in our
duties to in large the Kingdom.

In Christ Jesus or Lord Kenny.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Forgotten Soul

Isn't it easy to get caught up in the physical things in life - what the weather is going to be like, how much food we have? And it takes us away from thinking about the spiritual things in life. But we should never forget that like Jonah's leaf the physical things are transient, but the spiritual things are everlasting.

So let's focus on Jonah's sign - judgement, repentance, compassion, salvation - "For my salvation comes from the Lord alone".

Lord help me to let the Holy Spirit sort out the spiritual things in my life and like yeast He will permeate everything that I do, think and say. He will radically change me into something that can provide others with LIFE - spiritual and physical.


Monday 12 March 2012

Lest We Forget

Why is it that we start getting so blasé about things? If we have heard a story once, when heard again it never has the same impact. I mean it isn't everyday that someone feeds over 4000 people on a few loaves and fishes and yet here I am thinking, it's very similar to the other story!

Then the doubts creep in? Is this actually the same event - it is pretty similar. But it's not - the number of people are different, the number of loaves are different, the number of leftovers are different, even the type of baskets they used were different!

It is so easy to belittle what our God does for us. Maybe we start to compare it with others experiences. Or we have the same experiences again and again and begin not to take notice. Maybe we start to doubt, was it really God or was it just coincidence?

God keep reminding me that you are God and help me to look for you and your miracles in my life and others' lives everyday.


Compassion for Outsiders

Hi folks Kenny here I have had a bad day health wise sometimes it gets me down. So what better way to end the
day getting my head into Matthew.Matthew is very keen to show us the same type of miracles here. One in the
Jews demean and one in the Gentles, one of the lesson here that Jesus wanted his Disciples to learn, was that
there is no differences made. When you look closely at these verses you see the Disciple where very quick to
say to Jesus that the Jews had nothing to eat and that they should be sent home, for there dinner, super,what ever.But
When it came to Gentles it took them three days before they noticed, and Jesus had to go to them His Disciples
to point out that the crowds where hungry and he had compassion for them feed them He said.Do we even
feed or own let a lone outsiders?Food for thought.

Being the Middle-man

Saturdays reading was about a desperate Mum seeking out Jesus the Healer for her daughter at home so badly afflicted that she couldn't even bring her to him.So she desided to go and plead with him anyway. She was not going to go back empty handed... she was going to annoy him with her persistant pleas (and the disciples) untill he respnded! How like a woman!!! nag nag nag... well it paid off, and thats all that mattered to her. She went home with just a word from Jesus ... both of encouragement and accomplishment. Your faith is great... your request granted.
Today we see him in in another region and on another mountainside and thousands flocking around him bringing brothers, mothers, friends, fathers, sisters the old the young in every state. There it is again OTHERS BRINGING OTHERS not in hope but in FAITH to Jesus the healer, restorer, Messiah, promise keeper, miricle worker, God. He saw, he listened, he heard, he responded. Their faith rewarded Their loved ones restored.
 Is HE not the same one?
 Who are you bringing in faith to Jesus on their behalf?      I know who I am.   I'm not going to shut up either!