Thursday 15 March 2012

If You Want to Hear God You Have Got to Listen!

Ha ha! Poor Peter. He just wants to help but so often He speaks first and thinks later. I mean thinking back, if it hadn't been so awe inspiring, it would have been quite embarrassing being cut off by God mid sentence when you are trying to arrange sacred spaces (tabernacles) for everyone so that they can commune with Him. Talk about ironic!

Or should I say thought provoking because this passage is all about meeting with God.

And what did God say? Listen to Jesus, He is my son. He is God With You. You don't need special places to talk to me you can just go to Jesus - He is me.

And more than that when Jesus died for us He broke the barrier between God and us. No tent needed!

So you want to get closer to God? You want to hear Him? There is nothing stopping you, only yourself. You just have to listen. So maybe the old Sunday school song read your bible, pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow isn't so wrong after all. But you won't just be growing you'll be meeting with God. And as we see from this passage that is awe inspiring stuff - enough to change you into something out of this world and make the Kingdom of God shine out of you.


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