Wednesday 14 March 2012

Matthew: A Book for Believers: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Doesn't this passage just confirm what has been going before? Even those who are in possession of the truth of who Jesus is, and who have such strength of faith like Peter, can be lured to focus on human issues/constraints.

'For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' - even the greats. So be careful that pride in your own beliefs, even if you think they are based on sound reasoning, doesn't make you an adversary of God and Jesus.

Jesus' way, not ours, is the right path. And what does Jesus say to Peter? Get behind me! He re-asserts his authority and place: He is first. And shows us what our role is, to support him in His ways, and to be behind him all the way.

So if you want to follow Jesus you've got to get behind Him. You've got to support Him and let Him lead the way!

God help me to hear your voice.


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