Monday 12 March 2012

Compassion for Outsiders

Hi folks Kenny here I have had a bad day health wise sometimes it gets me down. So what better way to end the
day getting my head into Matthew.Matthew is very keen to show us the same type of miracles here. One in the
Jews demean and one in the Gentles, one of the lesson here that Jesus wanted his Disciples to learn, was that
there is no differences made. When you look closely at these verses you see the Disciple where very quick to
say to Jesus that the Jews had nothing to eat and that they should be sent home, for there dinner, super,what ever.But
When it came to Gentles it took them three days before they noticed, and Jesus had to go to them His Disciples
to point out that the crowds where hungry and he had compassion for them feed them He said.Do we even
feed or own let a lone outsiders?Food for thought.


  1. Kenny, I love what your saying and yet I read something quite different in the passage. I also spotted the difference (although not until the next morning!) and also felt it was important. But what struck me was that the difference was that the disciples didn't presume. They waited on the Lord to direct and provide. I really feel Matthew is a book for Christians as much as Jews. It is the book of good intentions. All that loved Jesus and wanted to follow Him at some point presumed to know what was best. Presumed to try and help based on their own judgement rather than listening to Jesus and waiting on Him. John the Baptist, His mother Mary and also the disciples. What do you think? Is it a book for those with their heart in the right place but their direction so wrong because they judge situations by their own measures and not God's? Even the Pharisees and Sadducees believed in God but failed to see that it is not by their own steam but by God's.

  2. Laura you are right I think the book of Matthew is Jesus saying may way is the Father's way Follow me
    and learn for me. And Matthew is so keen to point out to us do not presume look and rely on Jesus
    not on your own judgment. Oh just another thing the Feeding of the 5ooo and the 4000 and so,
    Happen in different time's of the year One time there was grass and the other the grass had withered. Kenny
