Saturday 17 March 2012

God With Us

At the same time the disciples were having very different experiences. How very different at the top of the mountain to the bottom.

All were chosen by Jesus and had decided to follow Him but one group were at the top with Jesus, listening to God speak, being given instruction from God and seeing Jesus in all his glory. The others were at the bottom of the mountain being ridiculed by the Pharisees and feeling helpless because they could not heal the boy.

We all want to be at the top of the mountain and Jesus tells us the only way to get there is by faith. So if you want to get to the top we need to step out in faith. It doesn't need to be lots of faith, just a little, to get us to make that first step. The holy spirit will supply us with the rest.

God help me to make that first step in faith because I want to hear your voice and bring what I can of the Kingdom to the people I meet.


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