Monday 12 March 2012

Lest We Forget

Why is it that we start getting so blasé about things? If we have heard a story once, when heard again it never has the same impact. I mean it isn't everyday that someone feeds over 4000 people on a few loaves and fishes and yet here I am thinking, it's very similar to the other story!

Then the doubts creep in? Is this actually the same event - it is pretty similar. But it's not - the number of people are different, the number of loaves are different, the number of leftovers are different, even the type of baskets they used were different!

It is so easy to belittle what our God does for us. Maybe we start to compare it with others experiences. Or we have the same experiences again and again and begin not to take notice. Maybe we start to doubt, was it really God or was it just coincidence?

God keep reminding me that you are God and help me to look for you and your miracles in my life and others' lives everyday.


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