Thursday 15 March 2012

They did not recognise him...

Sometimes we get just a glimpse of Him…and it takes our breath away!  Jesus here, transfigured…reminds me of John’s vision of Jesus on Patmos, so shockingly awe-some that John fell to the ground as dead. 

Jesus glorious, transfigured for a minute, for 5 or 10?  And then Jesus Son of God taking on His body of humiliation looking like you and me…just a man…as Isaiah says, “without stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him!”   

Here is seeing Jesus:  so, so, so humble!  God’s heart so so so humble!  And they did not recognize Him.

Just as they did not recognize John the Baptist.

Therefore they shall not recognize, perceive, understand accurately His disciples.

Father, I hate the look of my pride…give me out of this humility…though the world about will not recognize me.



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