Saturday 25 February 2012

Following Jesus Demands Action

How comforting it is to hear that the harvest is plentiful. Sometimes you think that nobody is interested today in spiritual things and searching for God and so you don't talk about it. But Jesus here shows us that that is not the case.

In fact he encourages us to do the opposite by showing us that the real issue is there is not enough people spreading the good news. It is interesting that he does not pray for the people to be healed/comforted/saved but rather for more people to do these things.

Reading Matthew has really shown me how Christ really wants his followers to be active in their faith, not passive. It really shows Christianity as go-getting and vibrant and I must remember not to forget that.

So God I pray that you inspire me into action for You - whatever that may be.


       Compassion,Christ Likeness; Truest compassion is only fond in God his true nature. Jesus through his Father new 
       the full depth of an individual's pain, need, or suffering.Christlikeness calls us to learn Jesus heart of compassion
         a depth of sensitivity. Which we can reach out and get through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had tears
        over Jerusalem and his tears fell over the tomb of Lazarus. This teaches us to that we also should have compassion
      for the lost,that if you like is what people should see in us  compassion love.                                                         


Friday 24 February 2012

Making A Stand

The woman was scared. All she wanted was to be made better and she knew that this man could help. So in her need, in her desperation, she reached out. She did it and she was healed. Imagine the exhilaration, the relief. After 12 years of hardship, troubles and possibly being ostracised from her community, she was cured.

Now imagine the fear. Who did that? From excitement to fear, how quickly everything changes. Have I done the right thing? Maybe I'm not worthy of being healed and I've taken something I shouldn't have. What should I do? Pretend it wasn't me, don't own up?

But Jesus wanted an answer and He wasn't going anywhere without one. He knew this was no accident. He needed her to publicly confess, to make her see she had done nothing wrong and that she needed to give thanks to God and glorify Him to others.

And do you know what, she owned up. She made her stand, in front of all those questioning people, and Jesus turned her fear to peace, the peace of God. A pretty amazing gift and probably not what she was expecting.

God thank you for showing me what gift I might receive if I just make a stand for you and overcome my fear of what others might say if I speak out for you. For you can do all things, even change fear to peace if only we trust in you.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Sons of the Bride-chamber

Get this!

Something about God…He’s the Bridegroom.

Something about the disciples…they’re the sons of the bride-chamber, leading procession with Him, as He calls for the Bride and takes her to the room He’s prepared for her in His Father’s house!

There’s something to reflect on!

Lord tell us more!


My Ways are not Your Ways

Kenny puts it just right. What Jesus came to do was so different it just wouldn't fit in the old ways. And how true is it for us in our personal journey with him as well as part of the bigger picture. Trying to fit our new found faith into our old lives just won't do. We will just end up with a bigger hole and when it breaks we will be left more vulnerable and fragile than we did before.

So Lord help me to listen to your teachings and follow your 'how to be a disciple' guide. So that the old ways are gone and I can grow my faith in Your ways.


Introducing Jesus

I love the idea that the meal Matthew had with his friends was likely to have been a while after he became a disciple. This meal where he introduced Jesus to others was not in the first rush of excitement after meeting Him. Rather it was once he had got to know Jesus and develop a relationship with Him. He really wanted his friends and family to meet Him, to see what had made him change his life. What, or rather who, he had fallen in love with.

Lord give me the courage to show others my excitement for you and what it means to me to follow you and how special it is.


From Fasting to Feasting

Thursday 23rd February    verse 17 

   The passage brings me back to Sat.well microwave, yellow smoke pouring out  the stink it was like the whole kitchen 
    was on fire. Poor Muriel had to scrub and scrub, washed just about every thing in the kitchen, (little tip, pan of boiling
    water and half a bottle of vinegar, let it boil away,gets rid of the smell) Sorry back to Muriel, well what a fantastic job 
    my dear wife Muriel did, the Kitchen was looking and smelling brand new.Microwave out. We'll  replace it,no no no
    we will think of something new. By know you well be asking what on earth has that got to do with this passage. 
   Jesus came to this world to bring about something brand new. He came to bring something  Spiritual excitingly 
    new, and so big, and so much more glorious than what came before,that they can't possibly be expressed in the
       same old patterns and forms any longer. They just would't fit.

                                                       God bless         Kenny 


Jesus with His disciples                     

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Matthew project


       Matthew brings along his mates knowing that they are in need of God's mercy.( Hey I have had a sudden thought,
     this would be like Alpha sitting having a meal discussing salvation with the King himself )Any way where was a yes 
Jesus invites Matthew, Matthew invites his mates which happen to be sinners. The pharisees pretending to Righteous
   I bet they wish they had study more like what about Hosea 6;6 guys go away and learn and get of your high horse boys.

Jesus calling on Matthew.                                             Kenny 


Tuesday 21 February 2012

I love this Jesus!

See His heart. 

We know God abhors a proud arrogant heart…but how He never turns away one broken and contrite!  What did He see in this paralyzed man that prompted Jesus’ compassion and forgiveness of sin?  It can only have been a heart that knew something of it’s spiritual poverty.

Then see Jesus who sees the hearts of men, reaching out to him with forgiveness of sin, the greatest gift in all the universe, from God’s perspective that forgiveness the greatest gift this man could ever experience.  See Jesus lavishly, publicly, forgiving this man who didn’t even verbalize his need…probably feeling within himself so unworthy…yet that’s where Jesus meets him and gives him everything.

Now here’s the wonder of it.  If that’s true for the man who knew his need of forgiveness but never even dared ask for it, how might that be equally true for me, for my neighbour, for the person on the other side of the world, whose heart is broken and contrite, whose eyes meet God’s…the God Who speeds to spend everything to meet me more than halfway?

I love this Jesus!



And Jesus said your sins are forgiven. Or if you read the Greek you could also translate this as you are able to leave behind you all those times you have missed the mark/ wandered off the path.

And the man arose and departed to his house. Such a simple phrase and one it is so easy to skip over. Of course he got up, he was healed! But it could also be translated as - "and he was raised from death to life, leaving evils and sufferings behind, to go to God's house that was now his own and join God's family."

What a day. The man had faith, he met Jesus and his life changed forever, both physically and spiritually.

Lord keep reminding me of what it really means to be forgiven, how life changing it really is, so I can understand how to really forgive others.


Matthew project

Matthew chapter 9 verses 1to 8
This is interesting Jesus comes back to own city. Jesus himself testified, that a prophet is least honoured in his own
city; but he came not seeking his own honour. He may have been in a state of humiliation, and just wanted to be
among his own people. If Christ be affronted by some, there are others in whom he will be glorious; if one will not
another will.But it's not long before he's preaching,healing again, here we see friend's bring there sick mate to Jesus
how good friend's where they what faith these guy's had.Jesus saw these guy's faith as well as the paralytic faith.
A strong faith regards no obstacles in pressing after Christ. Here is some encouragement all parents that bring there children into the present of Christ or bring people that can not come on there own strength.I believe will not go unnoticed
and will be honoured by or lord Jesus Christ.

Monday 20 February 2012

A Brief Encounter

Is that it I hear you ask? Was Jesus just sent away? Did the demons win by turning the people from God? Well perhaps in the short term it may have looked like that but what about the one man who was saved?

He became a follower of Christ. He asked to go with Jesus but he was told to stay and spread the good news and tell his family and friends in his home town what Jesus had done for him. And in the end he went far and wide in the region telling people about Jesus, going to the 10 main cities of the area.

That one man made a huge impact. Out of mustard seeds, mustard trees grow.


Irresistably Drawn

Instead of heading for the hills away from Jesus Son of God the demons in the men come to meet him at the waters edge as he lands on their turf… They challenge, mock, and then plead. But they brought the men to Jesus! lol! I bet Satan was choking with fury!  They knew he was going to send them out, to deliver these men and give this region a taste of the power of God and hear the good news of the Kingdom. They were irresistibly drawn…

But instead of the herdsmen and town folk marvelling at this miracle and the deliverance from these fearsome violent men in their area they are fizzing at the loss of their income…. PIGS!   All they see is their meal in the drink. They send the Son of God away! They would have heard about this man doing miracles and many following him but when Jesus came to them they rejected him, his message, the potential for their sick to be healed and the good news preached….

Is this not the same mentality we face right here today?


 Jesus went to the ‘other side’ anyway.


Lord you went to a people that were hostile to you because you know that your truth and power can still work in the face of the lies and hold that Satan has over people. You still delivered! Even when you were sent away you left the men as a witness of your power in their midst.


Your mission to me as it was to you…. remains the same… go to the other side and set the captives free. Some will some won’t… But Go!



 Disciple with a mission.