Friday 24 February 2012

Making A Stand

The woman was scared. All she wanted was to be made better and she knew that this man could help. So in her need, in her desperation, she reached out. She did it and she was healed. Imagine the exhilaration, the relief. After 12 years of hardship, troubles and possibly being ostracised from her community, she was cured.

Now imagine the fear. Who did that? From excitement to fear, how quickly everything changes. Have I done the right thing? Maybe I'm not worthy of being healed and I've taken something I shouldn't have. What should I do? Pretend it wasn't me, don't own up?

But Jesus wanted an answer and He wasn't going anywhere without one. He knew this was no accident. He needed her to publicly confess, to make her see she had done nothing wrong and that she needed to give thanks to God and glorify Him to others.

And do you know what, she owned up. She made her stand, in front of all those questioning people, and Jesus turned her fear to peace, the peace of God. A pretty amazing gift and probably not what she was expecting.

God thank you for showing me what gift I might receive if I just make a stand for you and overcome my fear of what others might say if I speak out for you. For you can do all things, even change fear to peace if only we trust in you.

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