Tuesday 21 February 2012

I love this Jesus!

See His heart. 

We know God abhors a proud arrogant heart…but how He never turns away one broken and contrite!  What did He see in this paralyzed man that prompted Jesus’ compassion and forgiveness of sin?  It can only have been a heart that knew something of it’s spiritual poverty.

Then see Jesus who sees the hearts of men, reaching out to him with forgiveness of sin, the greatest gift in all the universe, from God’s perspective that forgiveness the greatest gift this man could ever experience.  See Jesus lavishly, publicly, forgiving this man who didn’t even verbalize his need…probably feeling within himself so unworthy…yet that’s where Jesus meets him and gives him everything.

Now here’s the wonder of it.  If that’s true for the man who knew his need of forgiveness but never even dared ask for it, how might that be equally true for me, for my neighbour, for the person on the other side of the world, whose heart is broken and contrite, whose eyes meet God’s…the God Who speeds to spend everything to meet me more than halfway?

I love this Jesus!


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