Tuesday 21 February 2012

Matthew project

Matthew chapter 9 verses 1to 8
This is interesting Jesus comes back to own city. Jesus himself testified, that a prophet is least honoured in his own
city; but he came not seeking his own honour. He may have been in a state of humiliation, and just wanted to be
among his own people. If Christ be affronted by some, there are others in whom he will be glorious; if one will not
another will.But it's not long before he's preaching,healing again, here we see friend's bring there sick mate to Jesus
how good friend's where they what faith these guy's had.Jesus saw these guy's faith as well as the paralytic faith.
A strong faith regards no obstacles in pressing after Christ. Here is some encouragement all parents that bring there children into the present of Christ or bring people that can not come on there own strength.I believe will not go unnoticed
and will be honoured by or lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely thought - those that can't come to Jesus on their own strength. I like that. Maybe I should get my hands dirty, so to speak, and break through a few barriers on behalf of someone else.
