Monday 20 February 2012

Irresistably Drawn

Instead of heading for the hills away from Jesus Son of God the demons in the men come to meet him at the waters edge as he lands on their turf… They challenge, mock, and then plead. But they brought the men to Jesus! lol! I bet Satan was choking with fury!  They knew he was going to send them out, to deliver these men and give this region a taste of the power of God and hear the good news of the Kingdom. They were irresistibly drawn…

But instead of the herdsmen and town folk marvelling at this miracle and the deliverance from these fearsome violent men in their area they are fizzing at the loss of their income…. PIGS!   All they see is their meal in the drink. They send the Son of God away! They would have heard about this man doing miracles and many following him but when Jesus came to them they rejected him, his message, the potential for their sick to be healed and the good news preached….

Is this not the same mentality we face right here today?


 Jesus went to the ‘other side’ anyway.


Lord you went to a people that were hostile to you because you know that your truth and power can still work in the face of the lies and hold that Satan has over people. You still delivered! Even when you were sent away you left the men as a witness of your power in their midst.


Your mission to me as it was to you…. remains the same… go to the other side and set the captives free. Some will some won’t… But Go!



 Disciple with a mission.


1 comment:

  1. Kenny 20th Feb
    Hi Jess did you know that pigs in those days where considered unclean
    so there for it was ilegal to raise pigs. So not only did Jesus cast out those
    Demons he also close down a black-market in selling bacon.
