Saturday 18 February 2012

Jesus Saves the Day

It's amazing that the disciples, after watching Jesus heal so many and being there when Jesus pointed out the amazing faith of the centurion, still got scared when the storm came. And yet how like our lives, when the storms come, when we are in trouble, we get frightened. But do you know what? They still went to Jesus. They didn't try to go it alone. And Jesus may have had something to say about their faith but he still saved them.

And at the end they were stunned and marvelled at who He was and is because He is pretty awesome.

Lord, when I reach out to you for help and you do something amazing to change the situation I am in, open my eyes so I can see and marvel at you and what you can do.


  1. Kenny 18th Feb
    Yea life gets a bit scary sometimes and we may lose faith alittle but Jesus
    saves the day.Here's how Word Wealth looks at " little faith " oligopistos
    from oligos " small "and pistis" faith "describing a faith that lacks confidence or trusts too little.Jesus used the word in various situations
    as a tender rebuke or corrective chiding. Another way to term it is
    underdeveloped faith as to opposed to outright unbelief or distruts "apistis"

  2. This is a great link to what you are talking about - http://www.religion and . But what strikes me is that the people Jesus is rebuking become those ones that heal in his name and Peter even walks on water even though he is chided for little faith. If I have the faIth that Peter had to step out of the boat then I know that I would be going in the right direction.
