Thursday 16 February 2012

More of You....... please God

Why are more people not miraculously healed in our church?  It makes me remember an old song from Casting Crowns - if we are the body, the words were

If we are the body why aren't his hands healing?

I know there are some healings taking place in our church, and I know and understand why God lets doctors and medicine do their work and lets the body heal in time not over night.  I know these are acts of God I have no doubt of that, but why don't we see more and bigger things happening?   Surly nothing is impossible??  




  1. Yes why don't we see more happening?
    Two big reasons I think:
    1) We lack faith, influenced by our humanist society, where science and not God, rules.
    2) As it says in Mark 16, signs follow the proclamation of the gospel to the world to give proof that what we're saying is true. Someone said it like this: signs and wonders are tools for the street, not toys for the church. Mostly we're in church wanting what are signs, for ourselves.
    Just wait till you get to Peru!

  2. I was reading recently in Luke 7:13 about when Jesus saw a widow at the funeral of her only son. He had compassion for her and so brought her son back to life. It struck me that perhaps we have lost some of that compassion and if we want to see more healing then we need to re-ignite that passion. Not just for those we know but for complete strangers we just happen to bump into on the street. And if we show them real compassion as Jesus did then we honour who he was, his essence or name, and through doing that The Father will honour our request to show glory to His Son and as Brian says proclaim the truth of the Kingdom. But boy what a tall order to just put yourself out there for God, a true mark of faith. And I suppose having the compassion would make it all that more easy.
