Friday 17 February 2012

Matthew project


MATTHEW 8 verses 18---22

Kenny reporting in Hey guys there's amazing things happen out here. This guy Jesus he's healing the sick casting
out demons telling people if they believe that he has the authority and is the son of God your sins are forgiven and
are forgotten.I was thinking about being one these disciple but it comes with cost, you have to give up the old
live you lived. Probably having to give up some of the gang you use to hang about with but I think this will be
worth it. I have heard years ago Isaiah the prophet saying, He himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.
Ok were play acting here but there would be a great buss around the towns People having great debates about
what was happening. I think the big question I have, do I believe that I can have the same authority as Jesus has
and that he is eager to give it to me thorough his Holy spirit.


  1. Wow that is a GREAT question! And I wonder if I shy away from it even though when you think about it Jesus is only going to give you the authority in the right situation so there really is nothing to worry about!

  2. Kenny Feb 17th
    This is great Laura ( love the word thingy)but yea we do not need to do things on our own we have
    the holy spirit his authority love and power we just need to ask and believe with faith.
