Tuesday 14 February 2012

Matthew 6

Matthew 6 14th Feb

This chapter reminds me of the time when I was a wee boy and getting dragged to church I can still hear mum singing
with a very high voiceThe Old Ragged Cross My mouth was full of pan drops (a very large white sweet) that was to keep us
from making a sound. Then the sermon which was THOU SHALT NOT so any one asking what church do you go to
the reply THOU SHALT NOT CHURCH Joking aside in these days the seed was getting planted all though I did not
at that time really appreciate mums perseverance.Getting back too the present it is more likely I would want to say I
shall and try and walk the path of righteousness by seeking God's Kingdom it is the path way of miracles Reading his
word is the first step. second watch for the little things,the little signs along the way, not in the great wind,or fire but
rather in the still small voice I have fond it is often the small insignificant things or events that determine my
God's Blessings Kenny

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenny, I love the way you put things, you make me smile. I know there is a more serious thing in what you are saying, but our Father has a wonderful sence of humour and I'm sure you make Him smile. Thank you for sharing what our Father is doing in your life, may His will be your will, blessings Louisa
