Tuesday 14 February 2012

Christ's Thoughts - What was He thinking?

Hi Everyone, just to share my thoughts after reading and thinking on Matthew 3v13-17. Sorry it’s a bit late, but this is my third attempt to blog, hoping I’ve got it right this time. After reading that Jesus walked from Galilee to the river Jordan, I wondered how many miles had He walked. I discovered it was a days walking which is about 20 miles. Then I thought what was it that made Jesus decide to go to the river on that day. I was seeing Him with His carpenter tools, thinking as He worked on wood, did His Father speak and say now, was He hearing the villagers talking and discussing that something unusual was taking place at the river  Jordan, that a strange man was asking the people to REPENT and turn. Then when He was walking, what was Jesus thinking about, was He just enjoying the walk, maybe others were joining Him on the way, there may have been excitement. Was He meditating on scripture, was He praying and speaking to His Father, was the Holy Spirit ministering to Him? All these questions I found was making me think, trying to see how it was back then, the people living under the heavy yoke Roman occupancy, heavily taxed. burdened by  their spiritual leaders, not being fed spiritually and Jesus would have been aware of the people needing some Good News. So these were my thoughts that I was asking our Father, I felt on Sunday whilst Brian was speaking that I was given the answer, I saw a scene of Jesus walking on a desert road and coming from Heaven were myriads of angels ministering to Him. I felt God say this was the time that Jesus took up the position He was to play, and on that walk He was being prepared and ministered to. The culmination of that walk was His destiny to be baptized when He had no need to be baptized,  The Trinity, the Fathers voice from Heaven, the Son being baptized and the Holy Spirit on the earth for that brief and precious moment. Blessings Louisa

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  1. This makes me think about how God leads us. I have been very inactive recently and keep meaning to go for a walk but always find something else to do. Yesterday I finally got out and was rewarded by being eyeballed by an otter for a good 10 seconds. It occured to me that you could go your whole lifetime without seeing that - it really was a blessing. I see it as God's way of encouraging me to get off my posterior.

  2. Yes Dorethy, how many times do we ask 'What if, What if Jesus had not walked to the river Jordan that day, what if you had not gone for that walk and scene that otter, how many times do we miss something wonderful, Dorethy, we are but dust, wintertime I find a very real challenge, at the recent Lydia Day, we were encouraged to go for 'listening walks'. So may the otter encourage you to go for more listening walks and see our Father in the beauty of wintertime, in colour and starkness. love Louisa
