Thursday 16 February 2012

Matthew chapter 8 verses 1 to 17

I like these verses 5 to 13 here this centurion has great concern for his servant he starts to plead to Jesus to heal
his servant. You can almost feel the anguish of the centurion. All you need to do Jesus is speak he could see
the great authority Jesus has. And Jesus see the great faith centurion has now something is happening here
Faith meets Authority. What happens next healing amazing time and time again through the years when faith meets
Authority bang the Kingdom of Heaven opens up. I wonder if the Disciples new or even gave it a thought that
that they would be given the same authority as they came down form the mountain.

1 comment:

  1. I was also drawn to the centurion. Was it that he was a gentile, an ordinary working man? Was it that he was asking for help for another or was it that he had such a real insight that he was not speaking with a man but with God? That he had such a strong faith in Jesus, that if Jesus willed it so it would be. The more I read the bible the more I think, wow, I would love to be like that, and normally it is the people you wouldn't expect to pick as a role model. A tax collector who had so few guts he hid up a tree, a Roman soldier who had probably killed many people in his campaigns.
