Monday 13 February 2012

DISCIPLES WANTED - see attached job description

I think there is so much in today's chapter that you could read it for days and still not do it justice! But there are 3 things that have struck me.

1. I have so often read the beatitudes in isolation. If a person has a meek character then they get this blessing or if another person has deep soulful regret and mourn for their past wrongs then they will get this other blessing.

But today is the first day where I have realised that these are the characteristics of a true disciple. You are meant to have them all and you are meant to get all of the blessings attached to them. It is Jesus job description but with great incentives. A truly great bonus package for the job of disciple.

2. Also there is no lesser or greater sin and if you live your life that way you are just kidding yourself and others. Living the right way, God's way, does not mean choosing what elements you want to and twisting God's word to ignore the areas you don't fancy taking on board because you find it too hard or don't want to give something up. It is living it completely, perfectly as God does.

3. Finally, a disciple does not live their christian life in isolation - in their heart, separate from their everyday life. Following Jesus means touching others lives. It becomes our whole life, not just when it suits us. And only then will others begin to see what is different in our lives and only then will you build the right reputation for God and give Him glory.

Just like before actions speak louder than words for a disciple of Jesus.

God I pray that I am up for the job.



  1. got it!

  2. Either that last comment was Brian coming to terms with the technology or someone is being sarcastic.I thought Kenny was doing the bloggy bloggy. Please can we have a comment from you, Kenny.

  3. I'll go with the former - no-one likes to think the worst! Although if you are out there anon and you don't agree I will not be offended. Let me know what you think.

  4. Yep it was me...Brian...and I was saying you've hit the nail on the head here Laura! You got it! What you said was right on!
