Sunday 12 February 2012


Well first week of the Matthew project is under my belt and I am enjoying it as answering the questions makes me think that little bit more about what I read.
  • Things I have seen about God this week -He has a plan for us and we need to open our eyes and not be blind, he loves us and wants to eqip us spiritually but he also cares for us as whole people physically and emotionally. 
  •  Challenges to being a disciple  - obedience,listening to him, fasting? (perhaps this will make me spritually more aware and stronger)  John came to prepare the way for Jesus and pointed to him is this what I am doing? Do I need to do more?
  • questions - how did john not recognise his cousin? Why did Jesus wait so long to minister to people?
  • Praying for myself to have more of John's dedication and passion for telling others about Jesus, make your priorities Lord  my priorities and continue to fill me with your holy Spirit and to hear and be obedient to God's voice.
God bless you fellow bloggers
Sharon Liptrott


  1. Wow thanks for those thoughts - yeah, why did Jesus wait to bring healing and deliverance until He was 30 odd years old?

    At His baptism, He was "first in" to the Kingdom (as it were), baptized in and annointed for ministry by the Holy Spirit, then tested in the wilderness...and then His ministry began!

    Here was Messiah, proclainming the good news of the Kingdom, the fulfillment of Isaiah 35 and 61, and to prove His credentials, he healed and delivered and prisoners were set free, the lame walked, the blind saw...

    Have you ever wondered why in all of history we have never before nor ever since seen such miraculous intervention in the affairs of men?

    Now, we go about preaching the words He spoke...and attesting miracles follow...and most particularly when we're taking that word into unreached people groups.

    All food for thought...leaves me still chewing!


  2. Sharon

    Lovely to hear from you.

    I also agree with you about Jesus wa iting but again my mantra for 2011 and I think for this year as well has been - " my ways are not you ways". And sometimes the penny fits! Albeit not as satisfactory as a detailed description!

    I loved your question about John not recognising Jesus. It was something that also crossed my mind but when reading John I do wonder whether the did recognise each other.

    Look forward to hearing from you next week.
