Saturday 11 February 2012

The Ripple Effect

I am struck in today's passage how the emphasis is on Jesus telling the good news of God's Kingdom as well as healing. I suppose the healing is the visual sign of this good news. It is easy to focus on the healing as it is something we can relate to. It made such a physical impact on so many people's lives but really Jesus' focus was on the Kingdom, which brought healing.

I also love how Jesus was only working in one small area but the message and power he had was such that it touched people far and wide, both Jew and Gentile. So much so that they believed and were willing to bring those who needed help to meet him.

God I pray that my focus is on your Kingdom and in my life you create that ripple effect. Whether I know it or not, let the small things I do in my life have far reaching consequences for others and help to spread the good news of Your Kingdom.


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