Tuesday 7 February 2012

God's Way

Today I really felt that v15 stood out to me where Jesus asks John to release, I suppose, his idea of forbidding Jesus just because it didn't sit right with John's view of what was right. Jesus wanted him to do this because it was the right thing to do to follow God's way or plan, not just for his own whim.

He also asks John to stop forbidding him immediately. He didn't say I'll come back in a day or two or wait til Sunday. Sometimes we forget that following Jesus means changing immediately but if we do we can become one with God and part of his plan.

God help me to listen for you when you want me to follow a different path or stop doing something and help me to remember that your ways are not our ways!



  1. Do you think Jesus and John spent a lot of time togethr in their childhood, maybe like brothers?

  2. I don't know. It would be lovely to know. We were chatting in our small group the other night and we were talking about John and how he leaped for joy in Elizabeth's womb and then she was filled with the Holy Spirit. We wondered whether that meant that John was anointed with the Spirit from birth as he was in her womb? This would mean that they were brothers or one in spirit as well as just family. I think sometimes it is easy to forget that the Holy Spirit that fills us is the same being that filled and changed David, John the Baptist and Jesus and the apostles. Just think what he could do in our lives if we let him?
