Tuesday 7 February 2012

Matthew 3:13-17

I think Matthew 3:13-15 says a lot about discipleship: Jesus, the Son of God, asks John to baptise him.

Whatever else Jesus was saying here, I think he models the kind of humility we should be seeking to live out. That God would allow someone like me to serve Him is a massive, humbling thing and I don't want to lose sight of what a privilege it is. He doesn't just give me orders, He invites me in and entrusts me with something of His Kingdom.



  1. Yes, what an example to us he is. It must have been awe inspiring to have been a part of this momentous occasion at the beginning of Jesus time of teaching. To see the father, son and holy spirit all in one place and to have served the Lord and been a small part in helping bring it all about.

  2. I suppose it must have been the Holy Spirit who brought the people to repentance and to be baptised. So when Jesus said he would leave us the Holy Spirit, did that mean a greater measure of the Holy Spirit than before? Not a rhetorical question, just something i was wondering about while reading this passage.

  3. Dorothy, my understanding was always that before Jesus left the Spirit for us it was given as a gift from God but only to chosen people. When Jesus left the Spirit in his place the difference was that he left it freely for all to tap into and choose to receive themselves. But probably greater minds than mine, like Brian, would be able to give a clearer and definitive answer.

    Although I love where you are coming from. It is interesting because if the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts us then in essence every time Israel as a nation, or anyone in the bible, repented can we say that the Holy Spirit was behind it in some way? And so he was having an impact on people's lives but not with the same freedom as before?
