Wednesday 8 February 2012

God and deserts!

There is definitely something going on about this desert thing!


 Would you really expect God after affirming Jesus at the Jordan then  filling Him full of the Holy Spirit to then LEAD him into the desert to be thrown to the merciless Arch enemy Satan? Nor me. I would at least expect the H.Spirit to have led him straight to make a grand entrance at the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem!

40 days and 40 nights; hunger; thirst; no refuge; desert; Satan; temptations on every level… pretty tough stuff, not the blessing I would have expected  being Full of the H Spirit…

Lord I really do trust you but I’m keeping my eye on you… you sure know how to surprise someone.


The desert thing (testing place) is very obviously the place to expect to be if you are preparing someone in ministry.


Jess ( alias Sandy)

1 comment:

  1. That's what struck me too. We tend to think of Jesus' suffering in terms of the cross but forget the rest of it. He must have grieved over John's arrest etc too.
