Tuesday 7 February 2012

Hey.. you wanna come to the desert?

Yesterday’s blog got sent to outta space and is hanging out there surfing the waves…. So in a nut shell:


 How awesome is Gods patience in sending yet another prophet to warn, call to repentance coz the judgment is going to really happen and those who are seeking God will head even into the desert place to hear Him..….

? Shouldn’t a prophet be found in the city giving that message and not way out in the desert…. Why was it important that he is preaching from there?

I’m in the desert Lord … speak LORD, I’m listening….you said you will baptize with the Holy Spirit AND with fire!!!!!!  Refine me in the fire in the desert if you must.






1 comment:

  1. Hey jess glad to see you managed to get here! Great to here from you.
