Thursday 9 February 2012

Wow I'm blessed!

I’m so blessed by what you guys are sharing.  I do comment but my comments still don’t manage to get published…don’t know why!  I want to start something of a conversation if you’re game!


Could Jesus have sinned?


What thoughts guys…better still, what scripture and what implications?




  1. Personally i think he must have had the capacity to sin otherwise the devil wouldn't have bothered testing him. So he basically was good at making the right choices (to put it mildly).

  2. I agree with Dorothy he had the choice or capability to sin because he was a man but also he was never going to because he was also God. Although sin isn't just a human thing anyway, is it? The devil was an angel before he became proud/sinful. I think it is one of the reasons you need a trinity. As God the father has no capability of sin, he needed the son to fulfill this role. And if you believe this then it is even more amazing because the son has always been there from the beginning, even before Sin entered the world. God had us covered even before man's downfall happened?!
