Friday 10 February 2012

At Once

One thing that strikes me about Jesus is that He calls the disciples. He reaches out first.

Also, again the need for immediacy is highlighted as both sets of disciples go at once or immediately. They also give up a lot. Both their livelihoods and even their families. Would I have done that? Or should I say would I do that?

One question I have is why are there so many different versions of the disciple's calling within the Apostles? Are these different events or ...?

God help me to listen when you call and answer immediately, not in my time but yours. Let you be my number one.



  1. And it seems we are not to consider our family when God calls us. I suppose He is able to look after our families so we don't have to worry about that. But it goes against the grain. Obviously it is important to know the voice of God when we hear it too.

  2. Yeah, I suppose if we believe that God is good and will only do what is best for all of us then it is just living out that belief. Trust! And if we let other things or people hold us back from following God then we are suggesting that we don't fully believe or trust him, i suppose.

    Not that I am saying God is asking us all, or me for that matter, to leave our families I hasten to add. That would be silly! I mean Martha and Mary were followers of Jesus and they never left their home. It is not an essential part of being a follower!!
