Tuesday 7 February 2012

Loving Them into The Kingdom

Jesus didn't need to be baptised to repent of his sins because he was
sinless! Just as he went all the way to the cross and suffered and died, so here
we see him standing in our place identifying with the sinner and
confessing sin on behalf of the nation.

Here we see the trinity, God the Father (who spoke at Jesus baptism) Jesus,
(who was baptised) and God the Holy Spirit who descended upon Jesus like a
dove. God is one yet as three persons at the same time.

Lord, make me like Jesus that I may see others through your eyes and love
them into the Kingdom.

Ian R

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ian. It could have been like you were at our small group. You summarised what was said perfectly. I love you prayer to Jesus and will definitely use it today.
