Saturday 11 February 2012

The varied accounts of the disciples call

Yes we do have various glimpses of Jesus calling the same in Jesus naming the 12 after a night of prayer, (which naturally included Simon), then Jesus calling Simon from his nets by the sea (as here), then (seemingly from John 1, Simon is one of the first to follow Jesus from Judea to Galilee. 


One might consider these three stories contradictory or happening on three separate occasions marking three significant events in Simon's discipleship.  A little background helps.  In Jesus' day, students or disciples followed their rabbi for long stretches at a time and then like our universities summer breaks, they went off home, only to return later for another "semester!"


Here's something we can ask Simon Peter when we see him face to face!




  1. Brian, I am actually posting through my google account. You need to set up your account first then when you want to post a comment just choose the first option on the drop down menu.

  2. Thought there would be a reasoned argument just didn't know what!
