Wednesday 8 February 2012

Power of the Word

It is interesting that the spirit leads Jesus to this point. I suppose we all know that Jesus is not going to be tempted but it must have been important that he went through this. Proving by his actions as well as his word who he is.

It also reminds you of the garden of Eden - only Jesus can overcome temptation because he is God as well as man.

I also love the way Jesus answers everything by saying 'but scripture says...'. It just shows you the importance that Jesus and therefore God puts on the scriptures for us and our salvation. Also did you notice that all the passages Jesus quoted were centred on God?

I also felt it was important that the Devil used the bible to try and twist the truth. I suppose it is something we should be wary of.

So God as we do this project help us to read and understand more of the scriptures and through this learn more of you and what you want us to do. John 6:29


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