What's This Blog About

You may wonder what this Blog is all about. Well...

Selkirk Baptist Church is based in Scotland, UK, and we are a church who passionately believe in connecting our neighbour to Jesus.  For the next few months we have decided to follow the MATTHEW PROJECT.

This means reading the book of Matthew together as a church and then talking about it: either together, in our small groups or on this BLOG.

Our Pastor Brian says:

I’ve often wondered what it must have been like living in Israel during the times of Jesus. Would I have become a disciple? Would I have failed miserably? What does following Jesus look like today anyway?

In searching out answers to these questions, you are invited to join the Matthew Project where we, as a church community in the Scottish Borders, determine to intentionally follow Jesus together. The weaker leaning on the stronger, the uncertain walking behind the sure - each one of us unconditionally there for the other.

Here’s the challenge. Starting Monday February 6th, having picked up your Matthew Project Journal from Sunday church:
- read the scripture passage for the day, and out of that passage…
- record: anything God shows you about Himself, anything you see about the life of a disciple, and your own response in prayer!

Is that all? No! You’re not finished until
- you’ve shared, you’ve told, you’ve posted what God has shown you…on this blog (using the e-mail address)
- and reading what God has shown others, you’ve encouraged them with a comment

May Jesus the Shepherd of His sheep lead us in this potentially awesome adventure!

Want to take the challenge but aren't part of the church?  Then you can use this Blog to follow the reading plan for every day, find out what you should be thinking about to put in your journal and, if you want, either post your journal response on the first blog of the day or just comment on others.

God bless you and come and learn what it is to follow Jesus in the 21st century.


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