Tuesday 10 April 2012

Trust in Me: I Care

Imagine standing on a hill talking to someone who had risen from the dead. The person, you had seen do so many miracles in life and had now been raised from the dead. Would you have hesitated in believing in Him? Not just believing that he was the Messiah, possibly a great man but a man none the less, but that He was God!

This reminds me of the story in Acts when Peter escaped from jail. - "they passed through and started walking down the street, and then the angel suddenly left him. Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true!” he said".

When I read this recently it made me laugh. What was Peter thinking! An angel turns up, his chains fall off and he just walks out of the prison gates. Yet Peter doesn't realise the truth until he is out on the street, a block away.

How often do we read the bible and think - 'I wouldn't do that or be like that' and yet when we think back on our lives we already have. We hesitate. we question whether Jesus has the authority in our lives. Maybe we question whether he cares.

But Jesus says don't hesitate for " I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth". Trust in me.

So go and immerse people in my name - in my nature, being and essence. Spread the word. And remember I will be with you to the end. I care!

And do you know what, the end here means completion/fulfilment. For within this promise is another promise that all things are part of God's plan and that his plan will be fulfilled. Trust in me! I care!

So Jesus thank you that you care. Thank you for your word, for the amazing journey you have taken me on in the last few months. For I have come closer to you: your nature/ being; your commands for my life; your power/ authority and your promises.

My god truly is an awesome God.


PS As a final farewell I will be listing all of Jesus commands to us that he gave us in Matthew because He has asked us to live these out in our lives to give the fruit of them to others as well as the words. So watch out!

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