Saturday 7 April 2012

God humbled Himself

We’ve seen the disciples on the road to Jerusalem arguing over just who was greatest among them.  Then in the upper-room, even after Jesus so clearly taught them how desirable, how Kingdom-ish humility is, even the humility of a child, these same Jesus followers still withheld humility from one another…clinging stubbornly to their arrogance, not one humbled himself enough at their last supper to bring alongside that bowl of water and wash the other’s feet.  We’ve heard them scuffling, pushing themselves to the front, “I will never, never, never deny You Jesus…maybe the others will, but no not me!”  And in all this, we see ourselves, I see myself as in a mirror and the reflections expose my heart…I am so sorry Lord.

Then on the cross, one of His last acts, having been humiliated beyond humiliation, lied about, treated with contempt by the very people He loved and taught in the temple, beaten, stripped, mocked, held down, shamed by a cross…He drank from their sponge of sour wine.

It was at a Roman museum in Galashiels I heard the presenter tell the children that the Roman soldiers carried weapons with them every where they went…was it a broadsword? And they carried a little mug to drink from.  And someone was always tasked to bring along sour vinegar and a sponge on a stick…that was instead of toilet paper.  Is this the same sponge Jesus chose to drank from, a final act of humiliation?

I’ve mentioned this to someone who was adamant…no ways would Jesus have given His executioners the pleasure of receiving such humiliation…but I wonder because I see Jesus, I see my God as the essence of humility.

Lord Jesus, that I as Your disciple might please be like You.


Wednesday 4 April 2012

Good Servant

It is so hard sometimes to read these things - death, famine, wars, false people - all will happen. And yet here Jesus says do not be troubled, it is necessary. It has been established by the counsel and decree of God, for our salvation. He is saying, trust in me, have faith.

But He goes on to explain, to show us that, just because these things are going to happen, they are pre-ordained, it doesn't mean we are to be complacent. Quite the reverse. For if we don't pay attention and don't act, if we don't put on our clothes of salvation, then we will not endure. For there is only two options, to be with God, or to be left behind.

So we are to be good servants. We are tasked with being responsible for others and feeding them, whether this is physically or spiritually. Christianity is a community faith, not a personal one, and I need to remember this.

God show me that I am only one of many, and although I am an individual and unique, it doesn't mean that I can use this as an excuse to not be a good servant of Yours.


No 1

Don't we as humans just love to be number 1. The disciples were obsessed with it and so were the Pharisees. And the message that comes out is do as they say not as they do or rather do as I say, not as they do. For their message was based on God's Law and as Jesus was pointing out to them the Messiah, Jesus, was really God's son, speaking God's word, the truth.

And The truth is to focus on God - love Him, obey Him, and love those around you. Those brought near to you by God - whether you would have picked them or not.

So don't focus on yourself and your own self worth - how holy and worthy you think you are.

I love the way the end of the chapter Jesus shows us how to live and think by example. Sharing His compassion for those he has been criticising and were out to kill Him. Showing how He wanted to help them, not judge them.

Lord help me to be meek and poor in spirit, even if it means pulling the rug out from under my feet.


Monday 2 April 2012

Get Your House In Order - the King is coming

In biblical times, the regional custom called for kings and nobles arriving in procession to ride on the back of a donkey. The donkey was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.

I never knew this. So here is Jesus, proclaiming his Kingship and the crowds agree. All through the next passages Jesus displays His authority, in the temple, cursing the fig tree, and through prophetic teachings of the cornerstone.

And the underlying theme is if you don't bear fruit and repent then you are lost, no matter if you profess to believe or not.

So Jesus says - get your house in order. Acknowledge my kingship and authority, change your ways now. Don't just give me lip service but actually go out and live it. Don't put yourself before me for I have provided you everything. Don't covet my place as rightful heir to what I have asked you to tend for me. And beware of where your selfishness might lead you if you - never think about the Lord
or notice what he is doing. Is 5v12.

But take heart, follow my ways and -

...listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
3 For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.
Is 43