Wednesday 4 April 2012

No 1

Don't we as humans just love to be number 1. The disciples were obsessed with it and so were the Pharisees. And the message that comes out is do as they say not as they do or rather do as I say, not as they do. For their message was based on God's Law and as Jesus was pointing out to them the Messiah, Jesus, was really God's son, speaking God's word, the truth.

And The truth is to focus on God - love Him, obey Him, and love those around you. Those brought near to you by God - whether you would have picked them or not.

So don't focus on yourself and your own self worth - how holy and worthy you think you are.

I love the way the end of the chapter Jesus shows us how to live and think by example. Sharing His compassion for those he has been criticising and were out to kill Him. Showing how He wanted to help them, not judge them.

Lord help me to be meek and poor in spirit, even if it means pulling the rug out from under my feet.


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