Friday 10 February 2012

Master call...

I’m struck here by the so many that followed Jesus from everywhere around.  People taught.  People healed.  And they just followed.  Yet some He particularly called.  He said “come!” and they followed and Jesus became their road…that’s the meaning of the word “followed!”


Lord Jesus, call…and by Your grace I will follow.




  1. I heard somewhere (don't know if it's correct) that the disciples were probably teenagers. What do you think? To me it makes complete sense. What about the fisherman father who didn't follow? Did Jesus not call him becuase he had responsibilities or did he maybe not respond?

  2. I love the meaning of followed. When we started this project I was thinking how Jesus being the way meant that he marked a path that we were to follow. So not just a guide in our lives but the actual path, our lives' direction. So you could say in reality Jesus IS God's plan for our life! The details are just that, details. Luke 10: 41.
