Wednesday 15 February 2012

Freedom to Choose the Right Path

Well I think our small group has been chatting all night so I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

I really feel that I need to remember that I have been given the freedom of choice in all things and that I need to remember that everything I do has an impact on what path I follow, broad or narrow, and the fruit that I will bear. And although I may not like the idea of it I can easily veer off and get lost, maybe even forever.

So Lord help me to focus on you, the gift giver, and help me to put you at the centre of my choices. To realise that all my actions are meaningful to you and that I am living in the Kingdom now, not sometime in the future. What I do now counts and if I fall then I need to remember that I am poor in spirit and mourn so that I can repent and keep moving forward. Let me be honest with myself and you like David was.

1 comment:

  1. We do have this awful tendency to wander off the path don't we. We know the right way, we stand for it, we point it out to other travellers but there's something of the haggis in us - one leg's shorter than the other and well, the outcome's so predictable.
    But then, like steering a boat through choppy seas, we've to keep moving, making adjustment, correcting course, coming back to that place where we began, in spiritual poverty, mourning for sin, thirsting for righteousness, washed, justified, glorified...being made perfect as He is perfect in the blood of the Lamb, seeing God!
    Who's read Pilgrim's Progress lately?
    Here's our calling. It's the highest!
