Tuesday 14 February 2012

Salt and light

I was struck by how challenged the institutionalized Judaism of the Pharisees and Sadducees must have been by Jesus’ words in Matthew 5 and 6. 


The Pharisees were thoroughly pernickety about the outward expression of their faith:  their dress and public prayers, their loud offerings and public piety.  They were sooo different, sooo separated…and yet they weren’t bringing salt or light into their community. 


It is the disciple with a heart that says “yes, Lord!”  The disciple who knows his spiritual poverty, who mourns over sin, who wrestles against lust in his heart though no one sees…that’s the one who is salty, who is different, out there, remarkable…at odds with his community. 


Lord, I want to be salty!




  1. Kenny repying
    Brain you are the salt of the earth. But yea there is a battle going on here
    Flesh V the Spirit and yea we all wrestles with the grabage of this world
    so let us stick together pray for one another love one another with God's

  2. Kenny you will need to ignore my comment below. I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments here.
