Tuesday 14 February 2012

Seeking the Kingdom

Today, again, all I can focus on is 'Seek first the Kingdom of God'. It is amazing because this is the exact phrase that I have been thinking of since Sunday.

But to keep with the job analogy reading today was like Jesus saying....
Ok so you've got the job - first things first you want to be meek, be humble, you want to meet your objectives and inherit the promised land, to find the Kingdom? Well here is your to do list. You've got to pray, you've got to fast and yes you've got to give, but do it quietly and do it for me. You don't get a promotion or bonus from your colleagues, no you get that from your boss. So if you want the real deal you have to put in the work.

God I pray that you mould me to be like you, selfless, with no pride. When I do something for others let me do it so I focus on what they are receiving and not what I am giving.


  1. Kenny15th Feb
    Thats a neat peice of writing above. So I have the job had a bit of trianing
    What Next oh I know I have to seek His Kingdom and I think because it's
    my frist job with this outfit I will ask God where is he working and can I
    join in. If my lucks in he may be planting a church. I wonder what he would call it. Any ideas Bloggers

  2. I think he'd say... We're an international company and have a branch in nearly every town. Our ethos is that you can just walk in and speak to the chief exec straight away. We're really people orientated and we expect our employees to make a difference to every customer they meet, even the disgruntled complaining ones. In fact our business is called The Way, although some now know us as the Christian church. We toyed with the Bank of Life but in the first century banks weren't a well known phenomenon. In fact our motto is "store up your riches in heaven". Do you think we need to rebrand?
