Wednesday 15 February 2012

I visited a leprosy hospital in Ghana in 1974 and saw the results of many people who had suffered this debilitating disease.
Leprosy eats into peoples hands and feet resulting in the loss of fingers and toes. It is a contagious, debilitating disease that corrupts its victim and makes him essentially dead while alive. Isn't that so like sin? We are alive but dead.
Leprosy robs people, not only of their limbs, but of the blessing of community and family life. They were cast out of the towns and villages to live on rubbish dumps.
Sin robs us of Gods blessing on our lives, certainly when I sin I feel cast out, very alone, without peace, feeling as though the Holy Spirit has left me. But when I come and confess my sin Jesus forgives me, cleanses me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1v9). I feel whole again, restored to relationship with my heavenly father.
The leper in this story asked for cleansing and Jesus touched and healed him.
Jesus still heals physical diseases in people today but the greatest miracle is when soul turns from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.
Lord help me to reach out and touch those that are in such desperate need of you.
Ian R
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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