Saturday 25 February 2012

Following Jesus Demands Action

How comforting it is to hear that the harvest is plentiful. Sometimes you think that nobody is interested today in spiritual things and searching for God and so you don't talk about it. But Jesus here shows us that that is not the case.

In fact he encourages us to do the opposite by showing us that the real issue is there is not enough people spreading the good news. It is interesting that he does not pray for the people to be healed/comforted/saved but rather for more people to do these things.

Reading Matthew has really shown me how Christ really wants his followers to be active in their faith, not passive. It really shows Christianity as go-getting and vibrant and I must remember not to forget that.

So God I pray that you inspire me into action for You - whatever that may be.

1 comment:

  1. Yea finding out where God is working and asking if we could join him,
    when we ask.He will fill us with his Holy Spirit and give us the tool's we need to biuld up His Kingdom. Let us as his church ask through prayer
    so we can start biulding. God bless Kenny
