Thursday 23 February 2012

From Fasting to Feasting

Thursday 23rd February    verse 17 

   The passage brings me back to Sat.well microwave, yellow smoke pouring out  the stink it was like the whole kitchen 
    was on fire. Poor Muriel had to scrub and scrub, washed just about every thing in the kitchen, (little tip, pan of boiling
    water and half a bottle of vinegar, let it boil away,gets rid of the smell) Sorry back to Muriel, well what a fantastic job 
    my dear wife Muriel did, the Kitchen was looking and smelling brand new.Microwave out. We'll  replace it,no no no
    we will think of something new. By know you well be asking what on earth has that got to do with this passage. 
   Jesus came to this world to bring about something brand new. He came to bring something  Spiritual excitingly 
    new, and so big, and so much more glorious than what came before,that they can't possibly be expressed in the
       same old patterns and forms any longer. They just would't fit.

                                                       God bless         Kenny 


Jesus with His disciples                     


  1. Lenny don't worry about spelling you have a lovely turn of phrase and put so nicely. The whole passage reminds me of the Kinks song 'Village Green Preservation Society'. "Preserving the old ways from being abused, protecting the new ways for me and for you". (That is if the old ways are God's Law/ plan for humanity.)

  2. Apologies Kenny my automatic spelling keeps changing your name to Lenny.
