Wednesday 22 February 2012

Matthew project


       Matthew brings along his mates knowing that they are in need of God's mercy.( Hey I have had a sudden thought,
     this would be like Alpha sitting having a meal discussing salvation with the King himself )Any way where was a yes 
Jesus invites Matthew, Matthew invites his mates which happen to be sinners. The pharisees pretending to Righteous
   I bet they wish they had study more like what about Hosea 6;6 guys go away and learn and get of your high horse boys.

Jesus calling on Matthew.                                             Kenny 



  1. Kenny here sorry, about may spelling and Grammer, I should have said
    Anyway where was I, Ah yes.

    I bet they wished they had studyed more. Not used to this tpying thing
    will try harder.

  2. Yeah...Jesus knew just how to answer...with God's word...right to the heart of the matter.
    I'm struck though by how unmerciful we are. I remember asking my young adults group in a previous church, had they seen me come out of a nightclub, what would they think. Their response was pretty pharisaical.

  3. Kenny Feb 23, 2012
    Quote from Living to Please God by Andrew Murray.
    The only way of showing men our love for God is through our love for one another

    If Jesus was here today I think he would be seen coming out of many nightclub's.

  4. Or at the least a pub or two. I've always felt that we don't take Jesus to the pub as much as we should.
