Monday 12 March 2012

Being the Middle-man

Saturdays reading was about a desperate Mum seeking out Jesus the Healer for her daughter at home so badly afflicted that she couldn't even bring her to him.So she desided to go and plead with him anyway. She was not going to go back empty handed... she was going to annoy him with her persistant pleas (and the disciples) untill he respnded! How like a woman!!! nag nag nag... well it paid off, and thats all that mattered to her. She went home with just a word from Jesus ... both of encouragement and accomplishment. Your faith is great... your request granted.
Today we see him in in another region and on another mountainside and thousands flocking around him bringing brothers, mothers, friends, fathers, sisters the old the young in every state. There it is again OTHERS BRINGING OTHERS not in hope but in FAITH to Jesus the healer, restorer, Messiah, promise keeper, miricle worker, God. He saw, he listened, he heard, he responded. Their faith rewarded Their loved ones restored.
 Is HE not the same one?
 Who are you bringing in faith to Jesus on their behalf?      I know who I am.   I'm not going to shut up either!

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