Wednesday 14 March 2012

The Essence of The Kingdom Life

What a moment for Peter,

Jesus ; Who do men say I, The Son of Man am?

Peter ; You are the Christ , The son of the Living God

Jesus; Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, " for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in
Heaven. And also I say to you that you are the rock I well build my church,and the gates of Hades shall not prevail
against it. Here is Peter having an encounter with the Father so Jesus makes it clear that Peter's confession about
His person was right. Then the next statement Jesus was saying, the disciples did not quite understand,that he had to
suffer and be crucified for the sins of the world. Two central truths here in 16 Matthew. One The lord Jesus Christ is
The Messiah .And two, the duties of the disciples of the Kingdom of God and these duties are not just for the disciples
but for you and I that we must be crucified to or selfs and reborn in Christ and be ready to suffer and willing to do so
for the Kingdom of God. Following and saying yes to Jesus is not all about putting our hands up in the air and singing
great worship song, there is responsibilities a way of life we have to live, a commission we have to fulfil, to be a
disciple of the Kingdom of God we have to be taught the truths of the Gospel and live it no matter what the world
thinks. Our reward is waiting in Heaven for us . And also we have a Holy Spirit willing and ready to help us in our
duties to in large the Kingdom.

In Christ Jesus or Lord Kenny.

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