Friday 23 March 2012

God is Good

What interests me in this passage is that when the man comes to Jesus calling Him good teacher, he probably only meant it as a mark of respect. And yet Jesus uses it to make the man look at his preconceptions and focus on who Jesus was/ is. Jesus says - why do you call me good? Only God is good. It is like he is saying - you have called me God, do you understand what you have actually said, do you understand that is who I really am?

And only then once he has been confronted by the reality of God and who Jesus is, is he given the truth. And that is if you want to be alive, spiritually alive, then you need to obey God, give up the earthly/ physical things that hold you back and follow Jesus. All 3 are necessary.

And when the disciples heard this they realised their own fragility. Could anyone be saved, could we be saved they thought? But Jesus explains that we can. Not through our own endeavours but through God because for Him all things are possible. How great is this!

God knows, we are going to stumble and fall, but as long as we keep trying to do those 3 things, He will make it possible for us to be part of the Kingdom.

God thank you for understanding that we can never reach your level of Good. And yet you loved us so much that you made sure we could be saved anyway. God thank you for showing us in such an intimate and loving way how nothing is impossible for you. For even though you abhor the wrong things in us, the times when we don't measure up to your good, you still wanted to be with us, so you made the impossible possible. You asked Jesus to stand in our place, to cover the wrong things up so that we are only good, so that we can still be with you and be part of your Kingdom. Thank you.


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