Wednesday 21 March 2012

Lost Sheep

I love this paragraph because it is about the sheep that wandered away from the group. This wasn't the sheep that was already lost but rather the one that got lost. But God loves that sheep just as much and asks us to love them too.

Just like the elder brother, who questions the father when the prodigal son returns, it can be so easy for us to judge others. But Jesus asks us to have a passionate and forgiving heart. If a fellow Christian does something to hurt us, Jesus asks us to speak with them. Not to ignore them and wash our hands of them but to work it out. Didn't work well try again and bring some support. That didn't work? Then ask the church to join behind you to show compassion and forgiveness to them. Not condemnation but love - to win them back to God. Not to accuse them but to include them and throw them a welcome back party.

Sometimes it is hard to talk to someone about how they might have hurt you, and we think it is best not to say anything. But talking is important and builds fellowship. As long as you put the other person first, not your feelings, and that your aim is that both of you will be closer to God. There should be no told you so's in church!

God give me the courage to talk to others, in a deeper and more meaningful way, with tolerance, humility, forgiveness and the love of God.

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